Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Fentons - Family Session

we've been friends with the fentons for, oh, about a hundred years now.  well maybe it hasn't been quite that long, but it feels like they've been part of our lives forever.  we've shared a small group for years now, our children have played with one another since they were wee little ones, and we've even been on a family vacation together.  mark and jill were some of my listening ears when i was first starting my business, and they've been so kind to encourage me through this endeavor by booking me for a handful of sessions now. 

mark travels a lot with his job, and although this was mainly a session for the girls, jill really wanted to make sure he was in town on the day we shot so that he could be sure to get in a few family pics.  now i love a good old-fashioned portrait-type photo as much as the next girl...


...but it's shots like these that just make me giggle with glee.  this is how personalities shine and how memories are made. 


i try to encourage clients to bring along anything that is special to one of them or that will help tell their family's story.  and nothing tells the story of the fenton girls like a frilly pair of fairy wings.  as soon as they got them on and we moved to another part of the gardens, i felt like i was witness to a magical forest scene. 


the gorgeous afternoon light, the glittery wings, and the sweet little faces all made for some beautiful photos.


i'll close for now, but before i do, i want to leave you with one more adorable darling -- couldn't you just squeeze those chunky cheeks?!?


we love you dearly, fentons, and thank you (again!) for letting me take part in your family's memories!

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